Once again Dr. Pete Bashara and his family invited the doctors and their spouses and other special guests to the Nebraska Humane Society party and fund raiser, Black Tie and Tails. It was held on Saturday, April 21, 2018. And once again it was one of Russ and my favorite evenings!

Here is a beautifully artistic super secret picture of the Bashara family. In reality, I just didn't get the lighting right : )

Here is a beautifully artistic super secret picture of the Bashara family. In reality, I just didn't get the lighting right : )

The night started with a silent auction (We won the bread basket and the bird feeder basket!). Next was dinner and a summary of some of the incredible things the Humane Society has accomplished this year.

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I hardly got any pictures! We looked pretty dressy, and Dr. Taplett and Andrea Bashara (as always) looked GORGEOUS. The dogs were adorable. The cutest of the dogs was a black and tan Greyhound mix up for adoption (Nope, still holding steady at 2 dogs and 3 fish!)

We had such a good time, and are encouraged about all the Nebraska Humane Society continues to do for the animals and people of our city and beyond.

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Thank you Dr. Bashara! We had a wonderful evening with all of you!!
