Surgery day finally arrived. I was so relieved knowing that this was the turning point. I would go from week after week of consistently ongoing draining energy to healing.

I had never had anesthesia before, but any anxiety about that or surgery was overshadowed by the excitement of better days to come.

Part of the pre-op work up was a pregnancy test. I asked if I could just promise I wasn’t - nope! I turned to Russ as we waited for results and said, “This could be a completely different next several months than we had planned!” But then - all good and set for surgery!

Dr. Carlson asked me to explain what my procedure was in my own words. “I’m getting spayed!” I said excitedly.

He set his papers down and scratched his head and sighed. “Details?” So I explained the procedure apparently well enough to win, because soon a kind nurse was wheeling me to the anesthetic induction room.

“Hold this mask a sec,” she said. “I don’t remember that painting on the wall,” I said. “You are post-op,” she laughed. “All went well.”

Russ stayed past curfew with the night nurses’ blessing. We watched Ghostbusters and walked the halls slow as a slow turtle (some are fast), me with my walker and the nurses cheering me on. It was more encouraging than the crowds at cross country races in high school!

The next morning Dr. Carlson came to check on me. He was messing with the things on my table as we talked - I nest everywhere I go!

I had some cool toys and rocks with me. And a beautiful drawing Abby had done of Joy and a sweet note from both the kids.

Dr. Carlson picked up the cup my friend Dr. Neubert had given me and said, “What do you have in here, rocks?!”

“Ice water!” I said.

“Yeah you can pick that back up in six weeks,” he said. “You did great.”

As he was leaving I said, “Dr. Carlson, thank you. Really.” He smiled and was gone.

A more articulate thank you message is planned - for all involved in saving me. As any coworker or client can tell you, I am not always great with words in real time.

But I hope Dr. Carlson knows how grateful I am. I hope his team and the anesthesia team and my internal medicine team and even the allergy team all know too. I am forever thankful.

This was the biggest step to several long, slow weeks of healing leading to the best health of my life.

The best health of my life SO FAR.

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