Russ brought me to Mom and Dad’s to continue recovering from my low iron levels. At this point we had the underlying cause mostly pinned - uterine fibroids. I was not absorbing my oral supplements, so I was scheduled for IV iron therapy. That slowed my decline, but I was still worsening.

I was not steady enough to do stairs, so Mom, Dad and Russ got me set up in the family room on the main floor.

Mom had broken her leg, so she could do stairs but was not supposed to without a spotter. We were a pair! And Dad was busy!

Dad would make us breakfast first thing in the morning - mine was one piece of toast and one scrambled egg with berries - amazing. I would finish by 2 pm every day. I was in such slow motion I was almost moving backwards!

YOU all - as you remember - were sending me the nicest and most encouraging words and life checks.

My Aunt Jeannine sent me a GORGEOUS flamingo blanket. I did not go anywhere without it for the entire summer.

Dad got me a book my cousin Roger - an amazing ER doc - recommended - How Not to Die. It is EXCELLENT - but in this scary stage of more unknowns than knowns, I realized the title was freaking me out. Russ made me a book cover - think seventh grade algebra - and when I could focus, I read through it a paragraph at a time. I was so ready to be healthy so I could get back on a health kick!

At the start of this I thought my fatigue was from not eating well so I was on like a one week health kick before I crashed. Now I am finally back to it! But at the time, I would eat my all day toast and read an all day paragraph and sleep between the excitement.

Cindy and Jaime and Dillon brought me ALL the snacks and meals. Ross sent me photos.

Kiersey - my amazing hairdresser - offered to come over to do my hair. At the time I could not sit up for an entire haircut, but I was so encouraged.

Michelle made me a flamingo paper chain! But that was later…I will show you pictures!

Stormy and her family sent me 60 - SIXTY!! - daily photos - one a day till I was well.

Dave Nelson and the kids and Cindy (again!) and the Jones family brought me flowers (and a llama!) Mom got me flamingo shoes. I felt so loved.

When I could, I would get my walker and make my way to Mom and Dad’s gorgeous deck over their gorgeous yard and sit with Oscar and Felix dogs.

It was so comforting to be with Mom and Dad, but I missed the family terribly. Russ brought Joy the Puppy to Piedmont Park to hang out with me - maybe my favorite half hour of this whole past summer.

I slept, and when I was awake, I rested.

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