me :)

It’s me. I am SO excited.

The Nebraska Academy of Veterinary Medicine (NAVM) is responsible for much of the amazing continuing education available for veterinarians and veterinary technicians in the area. Several times a year we meet for all day meetings with wonderful veterinary specialist speakers from around the country, most recently Dr. Chris Byers. I KNOW. How lucky are WE Omaha??

A member asked me years ago to consider joining the board. At the most recent meeting I asked afterwards, “Hey do you all need help still?” No preamble, no context, just me, awkward as ever, jumping back into a YEARS old conversation.

They knew the context. They knew what I have been through. They knew the strange but amazing path my career has taken, and how well I have landed.

Joining the team at Westgate Animal Clinic has allowed me to return to many of my passions within and beyond work, including deeper involvement in this group I have always loved, Nebraska Academy of Veterinary Medicine.

“Yes we do!” they said together.

“Do you like, um, need to vote or anything?” I asked.

They looked at each other then back to me. “Nope!” they said. “Welcome aboard!”

We had the first meeting - well my first meeting - at a place I have often walked past with my brother Dave and our family - going to or from other incredible Dundee businesses, Avoli, an amazing Italian restaurant. Out of nervousness, not so much work ethic, I got there super early, and the Avoli team was very kind and let me sit at the giant table they had set aside for us.

It is so pretty in there! I couldn’t eat much because of some dental stuff I had just had done earlier that day (probably a future blog post - I, as you know, can turn most anything into a rambling story), but what I did have was delicious.

The team is amazing, and I am very excited about future veterinary continuing education meetings and speakers coming to Omaha AND that I get to be a part of it all. Thank you for including me. You are among the best our career has to offer, and I am so excited to join you.